Child’s Marriage is one of the biggest financial and emotional goal for which parent save and invest throughout their lifespan. Although you cannot predict the exact age and expense of marriage to perfection, you can always refer to general expenses and build money that may support a child’s marriage in the future.

A wedding can be stressful, if not planned beforehand. Managing your finances and investing for it will take away the stress of the once-in-a-lifetime event.

Whether it’s a simple wedding or a grand destination wedding, planned investment is the real stress buster. At Dhanashree Multiplier, we help you to stay prepared financially, understanding your financial goal.

Depending on your child’s age we help you to choose the right product – if the child is quite young, you can build wealth by investing in high growth investment products over a longer term. But for grown-up children, it is advisable to invest in safe and short duration investment products.

We evaluate and understand your current circumstances, needs, financial situation, expense, and goals, based on which we help you to choose the right investment option for your child’s marriage planning.